Europe, A Mission Misunderstood is a compendium of varying experiences of Nigerians who seek greener pastures in Europe.


This book is a compendium of varying experiences of Nigerians who seek greener pastures in Europe.

Wohlstand, Reichtum, Glück, Erfolge, Freude, Durchbrüche, Glück, Meisterschaft, Armut und sogar Misserfolge sind Teil unserer Existenz und werden es auch weiterhin sein, unabhängig davon, wer wir sind und wo wir existieren.

Dieses Buch kann den Verlauf Ihres Denkens über das Leben im Allgemeinen verändern. Es wird Sie dazu veranlassen, sowohl Erfolg als auch Misserfolg auf die richtige Art und Weise zu betrachten, wodurch Sie das Beste aus jeder Situation im Leben machen können.

The stories contained in this book are true. I have been a living witness to them and I am still trying to answer my questions and those of many others.

It was not my intention to mention people’s names and also provide data in this book. But I would plead with all who may be affected in any way to bear with me and to know that as it applies to one, so it applies to most.

For many, the idea of the journey was defeated as soon as they entered the airplane to the life unknown.

You can make it anywhere if you have the right direction; it’s just that we lacked the necessary information, patience, courage, and truth.

This book attempts to reveal the truth as the Bible teaches us that we shall know the truth and it shall set us free.

Success means different things to different people; true success, however, means more than just one break-through.

This book tries to define who we are, where we are coming from, and the status of the current European society. It also explores how far we have come, what hope the future holds for us, how we need to rethink, and much more.

It is my aim to make this book simple and straightforward for the understanding of all classes of readers so as to present an easier research work and debate that will produce a better personal life result.

Get the experienced knowledge and truth and may the spirit of God lead us into making and achieving the best results.

Book 1 - Europe: A Mission Misunderstood and Human Trafficking


Dedication iii
Foreword by NAPTIP Nigeria v
Acknowledgements vii
Introduction xi
Chapter 1 How It All Started 1
Chapter 2 The Black Man I Know 5
Chapter 3 Thoughts and Plans 10
Chapter 4 Welcome to Germany / Europe 14
Chapter 5 Fear, Frustration and Depression 24
Chapter 6 Pressure 36
Chapter 7 Crime 40
Chapter 8 Marriage and Kids 44
Chapter 9 The Worth of Man 54
Chapter 10 Discrimination 64
Chapter 11 The Real Man 75
Chapter 12 Time to Rethink 85
About the Author 91

Foreword by NAPTIP Nigeria

This book is a compendium of varying experiences of Nigerians who seek greener pastures in Europe.

Nothing would bring more comfort to an individual than making decisions based on proper knowledge. It is an indisputable fact that an individual’s decision determines the direction of his future and quality of life. Knowledge therefore is the key to successful living. Thus justifying the maxim “people perish because of lack of knowledge”

This publication is apparently a conscious and well-meaning effort on the part of the Author to educate Nigerians on the dangers of unplanned and irregular migration to Europe and other continents. It is, therefore, a must read for the youth who are planning to migrate to Europe without any definite plans, believing they are escaping the shackles of poverty and lack of opportunities. The Author did a good job in simple narrative which is both authentic and compelling, coming from a first-hand experience.

The Author posits that travellers generally run the risk of getting frustrated on arrival at their destinations if their journeys are not properly planned, and coordinated. He gives a graphic description of the problems that confront Nigerian travellers, such as: lack of employment opportunities because they have no valid work permits; incessant harassment by police and other law enforcement officers; exploitation by nationals who break the law by employing them as illegal migrants; involvement in crimes such as prostitution, drug-running, and other vices which inexorably leads to deportation or prison terms as well as discrimination and maltreatment in the hands of the citizens of that country.

This book focuses on thousands of Nigerians who migrate to Europe and other advanced nations, without legal documents in search of a better life which is often elusive. It attempts to rekindle a sense of patriotism and faith in the country despite the challenges of development confronting her.

It is in this vein, that the National Agency for the Prohibition of Traffic in Persons and Other Related Matters (NAPTIP) is lending her support to this project which should serve as a public enlightenment and sensitization tool, to educate young Nigerians on the dangers of irregular migration.

For Nigeria as a country, the loss to the national wealth occasioned by thousands of young people trafficked or smuggled out of the country on a yearly basis, is incalculable. Indeed, no nation can afford to let its lifeblood, as represented by its youths, drain away through trafficking and smuggling.

NAPTIP, therefore, recommends that this book should be read by every well-meaning Nigerian.

Finally, I commend Mr. Eddy Duru for his patriotism and high level of excellence in writing a book of this nature at this time when irregular migration has assumed an alarming dimension.


This book is dedicated to my beloved son, Marvin Kelechi Komi Duru, and all the other children born in the course of this struggle.


Copyright © 2013 Duru Eddy

Published by:
Mindex Publishing Co. Ltd.
22 Benin Technical College Road,
P.O. Box 5089, Benin City, Edo State, Nigeria.

Tel: 080 54755 695

No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

Europe: A Mission Misunderstood


This book is dedicated to my beloved son, Marvin Kelechi Komi Duru, and all the other children born in the course of this struggle.


I would love to give many thanks to my greatest companion, Lord and Master Jesus Christ, whose grace I have enjoyed so much. Everything I am and all I will be is all because of him. He never loses any battle. Take glory, Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. To my grandmother of blessed memory, Nne Ukwu, whose love never left me, I say thank you. Thanks to my wonderful daddy, Prince E. E. Duruh, and Mum, who trained me.

Your training and understanding are never to be forgotten, and to the whole of Eluchie Duruh’s family, I say thank you.

I remember when I was elected the “catholic youths” president in my parish years ago; I thought you were going to be mad at me for accepting such a time-demanding position considering my academic pursuits and my commitment to our company. Instead, you welcomed it with joy, saying that as long as it is God’s service, I was free to go ahead with the post. That leadership position has been a great part of my foundation. To the youth members of Holy Spirit Catholic Church parish of Benin City, I thank you all for the opportunity to serve. It was truly a training ground. Thanks to my son, Marvin Kelechi Komi Duru, and his mother too, both of whose time I sometimes took to fight the cause of others.

My gratitude to my wife, Ijeoma L. Duru, whose friendship and encouragement cannot be measured. My thanks goes to the members of Igbo union, and other unions in Kassel for their brotherly love. Thanks to Jonas, who has been a faithful brother to me since I met him. My thanks also goes to Mr. Richard Sagodo of the Ghana National Association of Teachers for his great contributions. I acknowledge the Green & More team for your service and contributions. Thanks also to Mr. Stephen Amenyo, Reverend. Father Donatus Onuigbo and Mr. Celestine

Odo for your wonderful contributions. My gratitude goes to Pastor Daniel Asamoah for all his prayer support. I acknowledge with thanks my friends and colleagues Frank Okey Collins and Lewis Ehiwario, who have been part of this struggle in a special way. And to all African leaders and friends in Europe who have made one contribution or another, space will not permit me to mention your names one by one, but I say more grease to your elbows. I appreciate your commitment to serving our people.


Copyright © 2013 Duru Eddy

Published by:
AuthorHouse™ UK Ltd.
500 Avebury Boulevard
Central Milton Keynes, MK9 2BE

ISBN: 978-1-4520-7703-1 (sc)
Phone: 08001974150

No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author. First published by AuthorHouse 9/13/2010

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